Friday, August 03, 2007

Why I Like property

real estate listing

Learning Real-Estate Foreclosures

Foreclosure ensues when a person borrows financing from a lender for real estate and cannot pay their mortgage payment. This develops when the mortgagor is unable to comply with the terms made by the lender in the contract. Usually the terms laid out by the lender state that the borrower's real property is used as security for the loan. Lenders protect themselves by using the mortgage as security for any money loaned and not paid back under the terms of the loan contract.

... View the rest of this article by visiting at the link above...

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A Great property Resource.

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Really Really Bad Real Estate Photos

real estate listing

The Secret of Stress Free First Time Buying

If you're a first time home buyer, chances are you're in for a bit of a stressful experience. Going into any new situation can be a bit stressful, but buying your first home is a huge step in your life, so it's understandable to be a bit nervous. What kind of home are you looking for, what home value can you afford? Do you have money for a decent down payment? After all, if you go with a property who's home value is a bit beyond your means, you want to be able to pay as much up front as possible to lower your mortgage and/or time it will take to pay off the mortgage.... View the rest of this article by visiting at the link above...

