Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Best Informaiton on property

residential real estate

What Your Real Estate Agent Never Tells You

As a buyer or seller of real estate, you probably think that all real estate agents get six (or more) per cent commission, just for showing you a property.? As a seller, you may see the agent place your home on the market, hold an open house, then sit back and wait.? Buyers have agents drive them around different neighborhoods, they fall in love with a house, the agent writes it up and the work is done.?

Wrong. On so many counts.?

What your full service real estate agent doesn't tell you is that buying or selling a home is not like buying a car. A car salesperson does just that, sell you a car. The right real estate agent offers you a lifestyle.? Your home, whether you buy it to live in or for investment, is probably the single largest investment you will have.

With that in mind, it is vital that buyers and sellers find the right real estate agent to work with.? How do you do that?... View the rest of this article by visiting BuyerBeWhere.com at the link above...



More information on property

real estate listings

Learning Real-Estate Foreclosures

Foreclosure ensues when a person borrows financing from a lender for real estate and cannot pay their mortgage payment. This develops when the mortgagor is unable to comply with the terms made by the lender in the contract. Usually the terms laid out by the lender state that the borrower's real property is used as security for the loan. Lenders protect themselves by using the mortgage as security for any money loaned and not paid back under the terms of the loan contract.

... View the rest of this article by visiting BuyerBeWhere.com at the link above...

